Rep. Tiberi Declares Climate Change a Problem.

During the Chasing Ice Ohio Tour in Spring 2014, Congressman Tiberi responded to numerous constituents as well as the Chasing Ice team in response to his stance on the issue. Prior to the Ohio Tour, the Congressman was listed as a climate change denier who did not feel there was consensus on the science. However, his latest comments, sent via e-mail, state: 

"A global problem requires a global solution. An effective solution requires that all countries agree to participate together. I would like to see us address climate change in a balanced manner, on as broad of front as possible."

The Congressman then went on to discuss broader political concerns:

"Despite President Obama’s unilateral regulatory action to effectively halt new coal-fired power plants from being built, countries around the world continue to pollute... The United States cannot save the environment on its own.  An effective solution requires that all countries agree to participate together.  I continue to be a strong advocate for an "all of the above" energy policy.  I do not believe there is a silver bullet solution to reaching energy independence or reducing carbon emissions.  The only way to achieve such objectives is to put all of our options on the table and work to find a solution that will strengthen our economy and national security, both in the short-run and long-run."

Chasing Ice Director Jeff Orlowski responded to the comment by saying "We thank the Congressman for acknowledging the reality of climate change and embracing the science. This comment was made in response to the hundreds of constituents sharing their concerns on this issues. Please continue to share your voice with the Congressman and your support for climate action."